I Love My Kid But Dang
I love my kid but dang;
I’m tired.
I was up 1/2 the night, if not all of it, because he wouldn’t sleep
And now he’s awake for the day
It’s 6am
I love my kid but dang;
I’m overstimulated.
He won’t stop whining & crying
The dog is barking
There are dishes in the sink & I stepped on a crumb; I vacuumed yesterday!
I love my kid but dang;
I’m burnt out.
I feel like a robot
Day in & day out
From eyes open until eyes closed
I love my kid but dang;
I don’t know what this other feeling is.
He laughs at my horrible dance moves & jokes
He runs into my arms
He says, ‘Mama’ & gives kisses
Bittersweet? That about sums it up.
But mostly sweet.
I love my kid but damn-
Time, you’re a thief.
Sandra over at My Best Mom Friend said it best:
"Motherhood is the loudest lonely I've ever felt. It's filled with moments of busy-bored, happy-sad, and tears and laughter on end. It's the most messy, all-consumingly beautiful and challenging thing I've ever loved. It's so complex there's just no simple way to describe it."