The Days Are Long But The Years Are Short

Recently when talking to a friend about our babies, she said to me, “the days are long but the years are short.”

Well that hit like a ton of bricks. She's right, you know. How is my son about to have his first birthday? *wipes tears*

The days are long but the years are short.

The first cry.

The first touch.

The first sleepless stretch.

The ongoing sleepless stretches.

1 am. 2 am. 4 am. Pacifier lost & found. "Shhhh, back to sleep now."

"I hope the cat doesn't follow me into the nursery; then the baby will never fall back to sleep."

The days are long but the years are short.

The first blowout! GET ME A DIAPER AND WIPES NOW!!!


The first bath.

Suds down the face; you wince then giggle.

Giggles with bath toys.

“Splish splash, you’re having a bath!”

SPLASH. (I taught you how to splash, you know.)

The days are long but the years are short.

New foods! How exciting! You love food.

“You’re so did you get so sticky?"

“My hair is sticky.”

“The wall is sticky.”

“Why is the dogs tail sticky??”

Sticky. Everything is sticky. All. The. Time.

“I swear if I step on one more Cheerio…”
Endlessly vacuuming & wet-Swiffering.

At least things are always clean - until the next meal...

The days are long but the years are short.

Temper tantrums.

Bedtime battles.

“We can’t stay too long; we’re on borrowed time - the baby will need to eat soon.”



Did I already say temper tantrums?

Kick. Throw. Smack. (Well, isn't this lovely.)

The days are long but the years are short.

“Can you get up with the baby this morning? I slept like crap.”

“Can you do bedtime tonight? I've been going all day.”

“Can you do bath time tonight? My back is killing me.”

"What's for dinner? ""I'm too tired to cook."

Thanks, Door Dash.

The days are long but the years are short.

First giggles.

More giggles.

First smiles.

Smiles for miles!

First babbles.

Babbles. Non-stop.

First steps.

Baby proofing expert. He's on the go!

The days are long but the years are short.

The days are long but the years are short; but they’ll always be your baby.


I Hope You Know How Much I Love You


While You Were Sleeping